Wednesday, November 18, 2009




haha.. so "Lucky"...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

"No money = No love" ??!

it's a rainy day, again...I always felt that i m lonely, even though i m with a bunch of friends at a time..

Today, i went to attend an interview @ an Pharmaeutical factory <> which located @ jalan meru..I was interviewed by-->The Maintenance Manager -- Mr.Pan..He told me that a Diploma cert employee get only 1000 basic, hw much do i expect? speechless.. there Fore, i was offered by 700$ basic per month (exclude allowances)... The position that he offered is to join their maintenance goup and be a technician..mean while, i have to start all over from 0.. thats why i get such low basic salary.. ==Mr Pan said that , this job is quite tough, sometimes need to OT until midnite, but sometimes can just lepak around and ntg to do, working days is Monday - Friday, 8-5, and ahh.. Every Saturday need to work OT , 8-5pm too... he bet i couldnt last over 2 months.. sounds like challenging me.. @@ well, i accepted his offer at last.. Not bcuz of his challenge, nor the *HIGH* salary pay... its bcuz i wanna shut my mum's mouth, keep on blaming me avday stay at home ntg to do.. my god, mummy, i also got work ok? even though i din have a job, i also go work part time @ station 1 lar.. Please, I need some space..
2 days ago, i was chatting with some1.. she broke up with her bf, and then she said, "he always no money no car, i also dunno why i wan 2getha with him.." she tried to convince me that:" No money,No love.." I quite disagree abt that,

What do y'all think?

Friday, November 6, 2009

Lucky Day^^

station 1 cafe 做临时工..
也许是Friday Nite的关系,今天的顾客流量还满多的.....对了,早上还是光华生的毕业日..唉呀,没能回校观礼,可惜呀.....看着那些小我一岁的毕业生来光顾st1时,脑海里突然浮现当年的那些回忆..哈哈,果真,岁月不留人啊..
重点就是,晚上有一个叫vincent的订了位的,是来庆祝生日的..同行的有大约十来人左右吧,重点当然不是他..哈,有一位女生,嗯,怎么说呢,她是那种你一看到她就会有:“天哪,怎么会让我遇到这样的天使啊??”的感觉... 她穿着白色的上衣, 不短不长的黑发....大眼睛..看得我都晃神了..当下很想过去交个朋友,但碍于我还在工作,而且她还有那么多朋友在,有点棘手嘛~~
还有就是,我不是帅哥嘛.. 被拒绝也是家常便饭..
终于他们要买单了,我很着急,她又不是常客,这次missed了,就意味着没有2nd chance了也~
哈哈,最后用了一个我也觉得很烂的招数,我让yen去给她填member card 的表格,当作是我送她的...那就可以有她的号码啦~天才也~~!!
yen很不识相的告诉他们我的目的,而她也转过头把目光投向我,waaa....sibeh 不好意思咯..
最后,当然拿到号码啦~ 很lucky下, 又多个朋友了~
我 和 她
她的名字叫作.........................................................................................Tze Yun